Sunday, January 3, 2010

Question #1

I will just jump right in with my first question: doing hair. I will start with this topic since I found myself this morning chasing after my almost 2 year old trying to get an extra pillow curler or two into her hair before we had to go to church. Doing her hair would be compared to trying to french braid the tail of a wild yak. She doesn't sit still and doesn't like getting it done. I don't try and do too much with it and some days just comb it, but it looks so cute when it is curled or in pig tails or a ponytail that I just love to do it somedays, well that is until I am chasing her around the house trying to catch her, distract her and get the hair done without it being pulled out only moments later. As I am doing it I think to myself, "is this really necessary?" How important is it for her hair to be done? Does it really matter if her hair is ever done? Should I stick with it to teach her that our hair must be done before we leave the house, or that if mommy says we are doing hair then she needs to listen or should I just let it lie because she is only 2 and who really cares? And for all the moms out there with girls with really cute hair, were you once chasing your child around the house and she finally has just given in, are there tears involved in the process (now or ever) or how do you get your child to sit still long enough to do her hair?


  1. I started really soon as there was enough hair to do one little piggy on top so I think that helped a lot. They were used to it by the time they reached the wriggle stage. Also, I always do their hair in front of the TV or in front of the mirror...but mostly the TV. It's the place I know they will sit still and put up with whatever hair style I want to do.

  2. I didn't think my daughter would ever allow me to play with her hair. So I never pushed it. But after baths, as I am drying her hair, I would have her in front of the mirror and she would watch me and after brushed, I would often braid her hair just to see. It was never to go out, never in a rush, just something we would do. Now when we are headed out, I can just tell her I want to do her hair, and she will sit on my lap, let me braid it and then go check it out.

    It still doesn't always last the day, but I think starting it as a relaxing event really helped.

  3. I never thought of doing it in front of the tv, that might just work in this house.

  4. My youngest who is 3, has been a battle since she learned to walk. She acts like she has the most sensitive head EVER!! and will throw a fit. It just depends on the day. I mostly threaten :) If she wants to go and play she had to get her hair fixed--or whatever the situation may be. My oldest loves to get her hair done and to look pretty for school. Also it helps to do it while wet especially when braiding :) That is my two cents.

  5. The mirror works great at our house. How often do your kids realy get to look at themselves in a mirror at that age. Keep trying. I had 3 brothers and my mom never did a lot with my hair and I wish she had now because then I would know what to do with my daughters now.

  6. i really tried to do very little on my DD's hair when she was 1 to 1 1/2 y.o. now that she is almost 3 (april) she can understand better what i want for her. i find it easier to do her hair while watching a movie or playing with a fun toy.
    i honestly just do it because i don't like to see her long and beautiful hair on her food or drinks. LOL. i don't do it because we are about to get out of the house.

  7. I sit my daughter in front of the tv as works. I tell her she is going to look so pretty and she keeps her hair in {most of the time}! I do her hair to keep it out of her face and so she can look super cute. But some days I just leave it be. I guess it helps that she also likes headbands!

  8. I put my daughter on the bathroom counter. That way she can look in the mirror and play with the water, as well. I try to do something to her hair everyday. Some days are harder than others. I think that starting at a very early age does help. Good luck with it! I'm sure it will all work out eventually!


Anything that you would like to say?