Monday, January 4, 2010

Toys, toys and more toys

Here is a question about toys. We don't have room in our house for a separate toy room so my children's toys are just in our everyday living space. I don't really mind this because I can see my daughter play while I do other things but I also have a really hard time having toys flung from one end of the house to the other. I try to encourage her to pick up after she is done playing with one thing and definitely before she gets out another big messy set of toys (like clean up all the crayons before the blocks come out)-she has a tendency to just want to dump one bin after another (anyone else have a child like that?) But at the same time I know that she is just little and lives here too. So in an attempt to have a happy medium somewhere between a picturesque Pottery Barn Catalogue home and a pigsty what am I to do with the toys? Just wondering for those who don't have play rooms, do you just try and deal with the toys all over for the day and then have a major clean up at night, do you pick up after child throughout the day, do you have him or her clean up everything each time they are through? I pick up a bit during naps times and try and have her pick up some and I try and live with some scattered toys but man sometimes it is all I can do not to just throw them all in a toy bin and put a lock on it and I don't want her to think for a second that mommy is her personal maid. Looking for some toy ideas. Surely someone else out there has this problem too.


  1. I had this exact same problem. I use to put his toys in his bedroom, but they ended up were ever I was in the house. So, it was a hassel. I bought a closet storage thing form target. My post about it is at (this was when we first moved so it isn't decorated yet)

    It has been awesome because it is easy to clean up, but it still looks nice. I put some decor on top and I love it!

  2. I like this blog, it is interesting and funny. I don't have a clue how you are going to have time to do it, but go for it girl. I read somewhere about putting the toys that the child wouldn't pick up in a separate place, and they couldn't have them for some specific time, at least long enough for them to miss them. Your DD is probably too young for that yet, no time concept. So why did I suggest it - cause I didn't have anything else to say.
    Love, Mom


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