Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Stocking my Nursery: Reader Question

I am expecting a baby in about a month-a baby boy. This is my first baby. I was just wondering if I could get a few tips from experienced moms of what type of things I should stock my nursery with besides diapers and wipes. Like are there any things out there that moms would strongly recommend or not recommend? Thanks


  1. I know for my sister, having a trash can with a lid and the little diaper sacks (for the smelly ones) was huge. It made the nursery a little more pleasant.

  2. Congrats on the new baby! I too am having a baby boy real real soon :)
    The one thing that I know I used a lot of with my daughter is burp rags. They work for everything!

  3. We were so happy to have a video monitor above the crib. They can be pretty expensive, so I would check Ebay or Craigslist to find one that a mom is no longer using. I love having a small sound machine that helps with household noises. We also use a small touch lamp so we aren't fumbling around for a lamp switch and it puts out like 7 or 8 volts of light so you can keep the lights low when you are comforting, changing and/or feeding. Welcome to the Mommy Club!

  4. Congratulations! My baby boy (first baby) is now 10 months old. Your life is about to get infinitely better! You will love it. I totally second the comment above about a video monitor. This thing is the best! It is nice to actually be able to see them. You can't always tell what is going on by just hearing. A few other things I was happy to have (not necessarily just for the nursery):
    - Diaper Genie. Put it right next to your changing table and it saves numerous trips to the garbage and there is no smell.
    - Bassinet or Cradle. At first I thought I would just put him in his crib, but I quickly found that the first few months it was best to have him in a cradle next to my bed.
    - Boppy. If you're planning to breastfeed, this makes it so much easier and more comfortable. (It's the pillow type thing that fits around your waist so you aren't having to hold the baby up the hold time.)
    Best wishes for a happy, healthy baby boy!

  5. Congrats on the new baby. Here are a couple of things that I always had on hand.
    -burp cloths
    -diaper cream
    -boppy (if nursing)
    -a comfortable spot for you to sit if you are going to be rocking and feeding baby in the nursery.

  6. My favorite thing? A mesh bag from the dollar store meant for sweaters or lingerie to put the little socks in so they don't get lost in the washer.
    I also agree with a touch lamp, so much easier.
    A cool mist humidifier.
    I kept a diaper pail in the bedroom or bathroom (if it was close and there was room) until my son got older. Baby diapers are not too bad but once they start solids, I moved the pail to the garage.
    I skipped the changing table and just used a small blanket on the floor to change him. Can't fall off the floor!

    Good luck!


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