Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Do you ever watch Supernanny? I do...I did when I had free time, when I didn't have children. When I was a single teacher I started watching it and I had a parent one time tell me that I reminded her of Supernanny and I took that as a huge compliment and was a big fan ever since.

Well today as I go about my daily mothering tasks I often find myself having silent conversations in my head with Jo Frost (Supernanny). If you have watched the show you know that she goes and observes for a day first and often asks questions of the parents about what they are doing, the children's' behavior, routines etc. So I will be doing something, often times it is something that I am unsure of, maybe I know it is a bad idea (giving candy before dinner to keep my child happy), or maybe it is something that i think I am doing okay at and I imagine Jo asking me, "now why are you doing that mum?" and I try and think of a logical explanation in my head. Sometimes I don't have one and I stop what I am doing, sometimes I don't have one and I say to the imaginary Supernanny standing before me, "I don't know" and I give Allie (my daughter) the candy anyway, and sometimes I explain myself and I can hear Supernanny saying, "wow Heather, that is just awesome, you are such a great mum." It is like she is my personal mommy coach from time to time. Like when Allie is throwing a tantrum because I have put the chips back up on the fridge and told her she is not going to have anymore and I am ready to cave and get the chips back down, I can hear Jo Frost say as she grabs my arm, "What are you doing mum? We don't do tantrums here. You tell her that mummy said no more chips and that is the end of story. Don't give into her. Be strong mum. If you aren't she will never learn," and I square up my shoulders and I say, "Allie, mommy said no more chips and I mean no more chips" and I step over her and continue on with my day, giving my imaginary mommy fairy a big high five.

Well in case Jo Frost ever visits your head here is a great little interview I came across with her and it just makes her all the more real and special to me. Honestly, there have been times I have had no clue what to do with my daughter besides what I had seen on an episode of Supernanny and it has saved me.

1 comment:

  1. Can I just say...Go Heather! I love the Supernanny and haven't watched her for a while since it's not on a night when I am watching tv. But I really agree with most of her strategies and think they help tremendously!


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