Monday, January 11, 2010

Rewards Reader Question

I am a mother of 2 kids ages 3 and 5. I was just wondering if any moms out there would care to share what they use as rewards for their kids for good behavior. I would just like some new ideas for good behavior rewards, or rewards for doing chores etc. Thanks.


  1. My friend showed me a job chart where on one side you have - To Do - and the other side says - Done. Then you have little pictures of what they are to do, like cleaning up toys, making bed, etc. Then they move that picture to the Done side after they do it. It seemed that they felt rewarded just for doing it and moving the little pictures by themselves and made them feel a sense of responsibility themselves. We then started adding a small amount of money at the end of the week depending on how many days they completed their chores. Then they could save up for something they wanted also.

  2. I am starting this idea, so no testing proof yet :) Anyways it is going to be a sticker chart for doing good things or chores, going to bed on time etc. My girls are 3 and 6. At the end of each month they will total their stickers and cash them in for small treats or prizes. I will accumulate $1 time prizes or treats and put them in a "Sticker Reward Basket" they can take 2-3 things each month depending on how well they do. I may execute differently but this is the general idea. I may do something weekly so they see instant gratification and then space it out as they get used to it. Not sure if it will work, but worth a shot.


Anything that you would like to say?