Sunday, January 10, 2010


Should I be making a big deal about brushing my 20 month old daughters teeth? I mean she has a mouth full of teeth? When she was first getting teeth she would let me brush them, then she went through a phase where she wouldn't let me, then she wanted to do it herself. I didn't really push the issue. But now she eats candy (I know, I said I would never let that happen either) and I am wondering if I should be more concerned about brushing. I am successful at getting her to let me do it about 1 in 4 times of asking but I don't ask consistently. Any advice about teeth brushing out there? The doctor told me I shouldn't worry about taking her to the dentist until she is 2 so should I be doing something more serious before that?


  1. The brushing is definitely important. I had the same problem with my oldest who is now 6. She didn't want me to do it, she wanted to do it herself, so yeah I let it go. She went to the dentist at 4 and I notice she probably had a cavity. The dentist said just watch her teeth and come back in 6 months. I went back in and she ended up with 8 cavities. She had to have a baby root canal, 4 crowns, and 2 fillings. YIKES!! I felt like the worst mom. I know some of her problem is genetics, because I HAVE THE WORST teeth, but I am more careful with #2. I feel bad I let that happen for her. So...brush her teeth, it will cause you and her less pain later. GOOD LUCK!! Learn from me.

  2. Yes. We hold our daughter down. We did the same thing with my son and he is 4 now and brushes his teeth, but we go back over it. Let them "brush" their own teeth 1st and then have mommy or daddy brush after. Dental bills are very expensive. It's an investment to brush their teeth no matter how much they hate it. The commenter above knows from experience, healthy teeth don't come cheap if you don't take time to brush regularly;) They eventually will learn it has to be done and won't fight you.

  3. Sorry, one more thing. Children are too young to do a good enough job. They have a short attention span. Parents HAVE to do the brushing or go back and get the job done right.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. yes, VERY IMPORTANT!!!
    i have horrible teeth as well(no matter how much flossing i do-which i do 2 or 3 times a day-i still get more cavities than DH.) so i am particularly careful with my DD's teeth.
    Dentist was telling me that it is becoming more common for children age 4 to get cavities and that it is not a good sign at all.
    He recommended to drink tap water since bottled water has no fluoride in it but Dh doesn't want to so i have gotten a bottle of fluoride rinse. dip a q-tip with fluoride and pass it around her teeth. She will like it because fluoride is sweet.
    i would recommend to allow her to brush her own teeth just so she feels that she is in control of something but the condition should be that after she has done it that Mommy has to review/check how great the brushing was and brush it yourself once more no matter what.
    Soda pop is the worse thing you can let your child have, my dentist describes soda pop as the "chain saw" because it eats up the teeth more than anything else.

  6. Great advice. Tooth brushing boot camp starts here tomorrow-okay so not boot camp but I will stop slacking.

  7. I agree! Definitely brush the teeth at least by 2...The dentist tells us to lay them down on the bed and do it if they won't let you (it is also more comfortable for them and doesn't hurt). Our dentist said to have the mom or dad brush first since you have the toothpaste on and then let them brush after...we do it both ways. Then another little piece of information we just found out was that when they open their mouths their lower jaw comes up and so it can be painful to brush the top/backs and sides in the back. So to lay them down and gently pull their lower jaw to the side so they won't hurt. Okay, enough of my rant...I think it's VERY important to brush your kids teeth.


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