Monday, January 4, 2010

A readers question

Yea, my first question from a reader- here is goes

What are ways to safe guard your children on the internet? Do you feel it's safe to post pictures/information of your children that are available to everyone? I often worry about the crazy people out there. You just never know who is looking at what. I worry about the safety of my children. They are so young, I don't want them to be exposed to criminals who would use their photos for adverse things. I am not sure if I am being paranoid, but when my children are involved I feel I can never be too careful. The internet is another way that a complete stranger, who can be a psychopath, can come into my home and see my life.brenda
Good question. I don't know if I would be the best to answer that because obviously I have pictures of my kids on the internet. I know that there are plenty of other moms with the same concern as you so I would like to know what other moms think about this one too.

1 comment:

  1. I have a public blog and have for several months. I do occasionally share pictures of my babies and my family. Before posting them, I size them down so small that if someone tries to cut and copy for their own reason, they will be too small to reproduce.

    When I started the blog, I tossed and turned with pictues, no pictures, names, no names, etc. I decided that I would keep us anonymous. I share our daily life but I have made up names for everyone in our family. My profile has a general location and does not divulge anything personal, like address, telephone numbers, etc. I have a friend that recently made her blog private because she had a unscrupulous person from her past surface after finding her and her family through a blog. I don't have anyone in my past that would surface and present a potential threat to our family. I know with the internet, you are putting yourself out there and certainly if someone want to find you, they can. So...we pray. We pray that our blog can be a blessing and uplifting to others. I think mostly family and friend read it, but I really don't know.


Anything that you would like to say?